In 2019, the average poverty rate in sub-Saharan Africa reached a staggering 41%, making it home to 27 of the world’s 28 poorest countries. The top 10, including DR Congo, Mozambique, and Ethiopia, struggle with GDP per capita as low as USD 475 to USD 1350 yearly.
The situation is dire:
- Hunger and Inequality: Sub-Saharan Africa hosts the second-largest population of hungry people globally. Gender inequality and corruption contribute to vast gaps between the rich and poor.
- Widespread Poverty: Half of the African population lives in poverty, lacking access to basic human needs like nutrition, clean water, and shelter. Nearly 47% live on $1.90 or less a day.
- Educational Challenges: Two in five African adults are illiterate. Despite an increase in the number of schools, learning quality and attendance suffer due to local violence and gender oppression.
- Malnutrition Crisis: One in four in the sub-Saharan region is malnourished, the highest globally. Root causes include poverty, conflict, environmental factors, and overpopulation.
- Slow Progress: While global poverty has halved in the last 30 years, progress in Africa has been slow. Factors like a rising population and young government systems, rooted in a history of colonization, contribute to this challenge.
At APR Inc., we acknowledge these stark realities. Join us in our mission to combat poverty in Africa, addressing its root causes and working towards a more equitable future for all.